Grade 5 Nervous System Question / Test Paper for practice

Grade 5 Nervous System Question / Test  Paper for practice

A. Objective Type Questions 1. Circle the correct answer.

a. Which of the these is not a part of the nervous system? 

Ans. Lungs 

b. This is the largest part of the brain
Ans. Cerebrum

c. Reflex actions are controlled by this organ. 

Ans. Spinal cord 

d. This is a sense organ
Ans. Tongue

2. Match the following:-

  1. 1. Brain
  2. 2. Cerebellum 
  3. 3. Medulla
  4. 4. Cerebrum 
  5. 5. Spinal cord

Control centre of the body 

Maintains body balance 

Controls heart beat 

entre of thinking 

Controls reflex actions

3. Rewrite these sentences correctly.

a. All our organ systems control the nervous system.
Ans. The nervous systems control all our organ system.
b. Cerebellum is the largest part of the brain.
Ans. Cerebrum is the largest part of the brain.
c. The spinal cord protects the spine.
Ans. The spine protects the spinal cord.
d. Sensory nerves carry messages from the brain to our body parts. Ans. Motor nerves carry messages from the brain to our body parts.

4. Tick the odd one out.
a. Spinal cord, nerves, brain, stomach Ans. Stomach b. Spine, medulla, cerebrum, cerebellum Ans. Spine c. Skin, mouth, tongue, nose
Ans. Mouth

5. Give one word answer.

1. The control centre of our body
2. The largest part of our brain
3. Nerves that carry messages to the brain
4. Nerves that carry messages from the brain



Sensory nerves 

Motor nerves

B. Subjective Type Questions 

1. Short Answer Questions

a. Name the parts of the nervous system.
Ans. The parts of the nervous system are the brain, the spinal cord and nerves. b. What are the different parts of the brain?
Ans. The brain is made up of three main parts - 
Cerebrum, Cerebellum and Medulla

c. Write any one function of the spinal cord.
Ans. The spinal cord help in controlling the reflex system. d. Name the three main types of nerves.
Ans. The three main types of nerves are :-

  1. Sensory nerves

  2. Motor nerves

  3. Mixed nerves

2. Long Answer Questions

a. Briefly describe the different parts of the brain. 

Ans. The three parts of the brain are -

  1. Cerebrum:- It is the largest part of the brain. It is responsible for thinking, learning and memory.

  2. Cerebellum :- It controls the movement of muscles such as the arms and legs.

  3. Medulla :- It controls activities such as breathing, heartbeat and digestion.

b. What do you understand by reflex action? Give one example.
Ans. The automatic response of the body to a sudden change in the surroundings is called reflex action.

One example is - Pulling away of hand when something hot or sharp object is touched.

c. Write a short note on the structure of the human ears.
Ans. Ears are the sense organs of hearing. Sound travel in waves through the air into our

ears. Our ear is made up of the outer ear, middle ear and inner ear. The eardrum along with the cochlea of the inner ear send the message to the brain, which identifies the sound.

d. Draw a well labelled diagram of the structure of the human eye. 

Ans. Draw the diagram Structure of eye

e. How do the sense organs help us to sense the world around us?
Ans. Our sense organs are important to the nervous system as these organs help to receive messages from the outside world. The brain receives these sense and 
instructs our body to act accordingly.

f. Our eyes work like a camera. Explain
Ans. Our eyes take in light reflected from the object we are looking at and make a tiny 
picture of it on the back of the eye. Nerves inside the eyes take a message to the brain about the pictures. The brain tells us what it is we are looking at. 

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